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Mystery Surrounds Deaths Of Boeing Whistleblowers

Boeing: Second Whistleblower Dies Suddenly

Mystery Surrounds Deaths of Boeing Whistleblowers

Barnett Found Dead in Truck

John Barnett, a former quality control manager and Boeing whistleblower, was found dead in his truck in the parking lot of his workplace on Tuesday morning. Barnett, 62, had spent two weeks hospitalized before his death. His death comes just months after the death of another Boeing whistleblower, Joshua Dean.

Dean, a former quality auditor at a Boeing Co. supplier, raised concerns about the company's quality control practices. He died suddenly in March 2024. The circumstances surrounding his death are still under investigation.

The deaths of Barnett and Dean have raised concerns about the safety of whistleblowers who speak out about corporate misconduct. Boeing has said that it is cooperating with the investigations into the deaths of both men.
